Marine Lubricants

Scandi Trading offers a wide variety of lubricants and greases worldwide. Through our vast network of major and local suppliers and distributors, we can deliver in major and secondary ports, surpassing the obstacles of the standard port directory that major suppliers can only offer. Our flexible setup allows us to provide you with more than one solution and delivery alternatives when the notice required is too short or your contracted suppliers experience availability issues. Our dedicated team of experts will not only give you all the different options, but also the technical expertise you require..

What makes us different

Our Mission

Scandi Trading strives to be your reliable consultant through continuous improvement in every aspect of the trade. We will outperform to safely supply your vessels and deliver your products, on time, in full, on spec, at the right quantity and make sure your vessel operation will be optimized. No matter how difficult the supply conditions may be, we are up to the task to tackle the challenges, overcome any obstacles and deliver our promise.